Sunday 14 October 2012

Astrology Applications in Business


Astrology is the science of certain cryptic relations
between the celestial bodies and terrestrial life. It is
considered an art and a practical science. It lays no claim to
be what used to be called an exact science, but studies certain
predispositions or tendencies in human life, which are sometimes
indicated so clearly that they become virtual certainties. The
possible uses of astrology are endless and may be used to a
variety of means.
Since the days of the Chaldeans, it was known that the sun,
moon, and planets followed similar paths, the zodiac. It is a
zone of the celestial sphere that extends from 8.5 degrees on
either side if the path of the sun. As a primitive calendar, the
zodiacal belt was arbitrarily divided into twelve sections of 30
degrees each. these are the famous signs of the zodiac. The
orgins of the names given to each sign extend into the most
remote regions of antiquity. Terrestrial animal gods, whether
real or imagined , were one day projected onto the constellations
which, in the Chaldean imagination, they resembled. This
celestial menagerie has furthermore given the zodiac its name,
for in greek, it means "route of animals."
The sun enters the first zodiacal sign, Aries , and then
continues its path through the remaining eleven signs. The twelve
signs of the zodiac are: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo,
Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and
The moon and the planets pass through the signs too, but
obviously at different speeds from those of the sun. The moon,
which is close to the earth, circles the zodiac in twenty-nine
days, while the planet Pluto needs two hundred fifty years.
Planets also can be seen to slow down, stop, and even reverse
directions in relationship to the constellations that they cross.
In reality, the planet inexorably continues along its way. But
the speed of the earth itself interacts with that of the planet
to occasionally give this impression.
The symbolism of the twelve signs is a very ancient
tradition passed along from Manilius and Ptolemy of Alexandria.
It ascribes well-defined properties to each sign, influences
transmitted to the child at birth that determine his character,
health, and destiny. Passing through twelve signs, the planets,
play different parts. Being born at the moment when one of the
signs is occupied by several planets confers the properties of
this sign on the individual. The most important celestial figure
is that of the sun. This what determines what sign the child was
born under.
In this way an ancient tradition has divided human beings
into twelve psychological types whose descriptions are intuitive
of human nature.
This interpretation of the twelve signs is a blend of
several different works but generally agree on the signification
of the signs of the zodiac.

ARIES (March 21-April 20)
Ruled by Mars, the Aries is the incarnation of violent will,
impatience, impulsiveness, and rapid, often precipitated,
decisions. The principal qualities are enthusiasm, courage,
independence, and pride. But Aries is too aggressive and
impulsive. Like the animal that it symbolizes, he has a great
tendency to thrust ahead with his horns without having reflected
beforehand. To succeed in life the aries must keep his
enthusiasm but moderate his ardor.
The Aries essence is the principal of acceleration
personified. "Fast" is the word that governs all activities from
falling in love to saving a hopeless situation. Ariens talk
fast, think fast, move fast and have no patience for people who
Ariens thrive on challenge and are born leaders, eager to
break through old barriers to watch their ideas take hold. Their
nature is dynamic, fiery and fiercely determined to have its own
way, regardless. And because they can be such an audacious,
impassioned, overwhelming force to handle, they get their own way
more often than not.
A displeased Aries can be like a tornado: if caught standing
in the path of either, there is no way to remain impervious.
There may be disturbing sounds and things may begin to fly, but
it doesn't last long.
Ariens are highly generative and immensely positive in their
approach to all they undertake. There is an extraordinary
courage in this sign that springs from vitality and confidence
that sings of miracles. This is a sign that senses possibility
in the improbable and that can create new conditions out of
chaos. The Aries vision is progressive and expansive, and their
approach enthusiastic and inspiring. They bring an incandescence
to everything they care about.
One strength this sign is missing is subtlety. And one way
this deficiency comes through is with the kind of candor that can
kill. When Ariens are good, they are very good; when they are
bad, they are very bad.

Taurus (April 21-May 22)
It is Venus who governs this sign. In general, Taurus is a
concrete being, firmly attached to the goods of this world. He
has a strong but peaceful sensuality. His anger is rare, in the
image of the peaceful beast that is his totem, but it comes
abruptly and violently: he easily "sees red." Most often
however, he demonstrates his good sense, stability and fidelity.
He can sometimes be reproached for lack of detachment and
Taurus is archetypal earth, steady and enduring, solid as
the ground beneath one's feet. By nature, Taureans are strong
and basic, practical and uncomplicated in their approach to life.
Taureans are loyal and loving in pragmatic ways that promote
positive feelings. Builders of bonds, nests, and families,
Taureans know instinctively how to make a house a home.
Taureans have a way of consuming their own possessions, or
preserving and cherishing them like objects of fine art. The
sheer sensuous pleasure that a Taurean is capable of taking in
life is something the more mental signs can learn from. However,
like anything else, it is prone to excess and can pose problems.
The Taurean tunes negative can be cold, brutal, violent, and
sadistic, the type of person to take a life simply to make an
angry point. Bottled up and often displaced anger is a key
problem for they do not deal well with their deeper emotions.
When fixed in a chosen direction and highly motivated, the
typical Taurean can outendure all competition, opposition and
obstacles of every kind. However, the motivation has to spring
from something that is highly valued.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)
It is Gemini that influences the gemini, the crafty Mercury,
god of eloquence, merchants and thieves. He is above all a
shrewd being, constantly proving his adaptability in all
circumstances. He enjoys social contacts. All recognize
Gemini's brilliance and spirituality. He must nonetheless guard
against falling into easiness that would make of him a
superficial, unstable and mixed-up individual. He should put
intelligence in the service of a durable cause. In love,he must
be careful of artificiality, and put more sincerity into rushes
of feeling.
"I think therefore I am" is the classic Gemini code for
carrying on with life. Geminis meet all of their problems "head"
on and have a set of reasons for all their motivations-including
those that are purely emotional.
People born under this sign are smart and glib, social and
superficially clever. Gemini is the sign of communication, and
most Geminis can talk their way out of a maximum-security prison.
Or, when the guileful trickster takes over, they can manipulate
somebody else behind bars.
Geminis tend to be self-involved and fear those who sabotage
their sense of freedom. Seeking stimulation but having a strong
sense of self-preservation, they will avoid anything that
seriously threatens their ego base. Instinctively, they select
and sort out what or who is most important in their scheme of
things. Quite often such discriminations are based on a desire
for power.
Highly verbal and gregarious, Geminis have a gift for
talking and taking advantage of the attention that their clever
words attract. There is great power in their ability to generate
an eager and receptive audience. Caught up in the moment, they
lack self-consciousness and have the ability to get the most
dolorous crowd to break into contagious laughter.
Because the thinking process overrides their ability to
feel, Geminis have to train their minds to work for them rather
than against them. A powerful mind is a calm, focused and
disciplined one. On the other hand, a mind that is out of
control gets nowhere, and is a Gemini pitfall which finds
expression in many aspects of life.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)
Like the moon that governs this sign, Cancer is an
imaginative, sensitive, and dreamy individual. Somewhat self-
effacing, he enjoys family life, where his timidity- and somewhat
weakness- seems to be protected from the hardness of this world.
The feeling for the past is more attractive that the future. He
often feels a nostalgia for childhood and the protection of his
mother and must try to overcome this attitude. Cancer must strive
to impose his qualities of shrewdness and intuition on groups of
people. In love, it is not good for the cancer to give too much
importance to the wounds of self-love, and he must learn to
declare himself at the right moment.
Ruled by the tides of their fluctuating emotions, Cancers
are Moon people, mysterious as the sea at night, delicate as a
moon beam shimmering on the surface of a still and haunted lake.
In their own unique ways, Cancers are haunted-by their fears and
anguished fantasies, their attachment to the past, their driven
compulsions and their quiet, self-obsessed dramas that sometimes
move them to the brink of madness.
Self-enclosed and saturated with their own emotions,
Cancers feel everything that they don't deliberately shut out.
it is a highly strung inner world of intense emotional velocity
that is ignited by any threat to their sense of control.
Sometimes sensitive and compassionate, sometimes cold and
cut off from the world, Cancers are influenced by both the inner
and outer atmosphere. The result is a person easily pressured by
onslaughts on their self-preservation.
In the Cancer mind, the unconscious is very close to the
surface. as the first of the three water signs, much of life is
about learning to live with this emotional makeup in the middle
of a cold an insecure material world.
Cancers are often criticized as being extremely self-
centered people. However, it is, in truth, as if there is no
self, only a self-protective shell. With emotions so close to
the surface, Cancers are hopelessly sentimental. Generous to a
fault, they can be a fool for love.
When it comes to work , the classic Cancerian has the
concentration of a brain surgeon and the drive to go along with
it. Tenacious, task-oriented and intense, Cancers tend to be
perfectionists who take their work personally-and sometimes a
little too seriously. There are Cancers who leave the office at
the office. However, it is likely that they work overtime, don't
take time for lunch, and go home hours after the cleaning lady.

Leo (July 23-August 22)
Having elected to reside in this sign, the sun confers its
force, amplitude, and radiance on those born in Leo. Leo is a
proud, individualistic, and generous being. Authority and
willpower are among the dominant character traits. Thus he has
strong trump cards to help obtain success in life. Leo must be
wary, however, of pride and unmeasured action, and govern
ambitions with the measure of his abilities. He must avoid being
too susceptible to flattery. In love, he has a tendency to
transform his life into the stage of the theater. He should be
more reserved in the manifestations of his rushes of feeling.
those who love him will be grateful for this.
Leo is the sign of the sun, and like the sun itself, Leos
shine with stellar incandescence. Leos' magnetism makes them
highly memorable people who exude power and personableness.
Personality is the Leo strong point. When so desiring, the
Leo charm can tame serpents and turn the world at large into an
adoring enclave. At their best they give off a scintillating
sort of radiance. They are positive and enthusiastic, spirited,
dynamic and larger than life.
Leos expect the best from themselves and everyone around
them. It is this attitude that helps them achieve their dreams.
This is the sign that is determined to do things its own
way, at all costs, with no patience for the opinions of others.
When this works, the Leo energy and willfulness can create
miracles. When it backfires, it's probably more comfortable
hanging out in a towering inferno.
Although Leos are overachiever with highly successful track
records, they tend to underestimate their accomplishments. The
anxiety deep within them concerning performance never allows them
to rest and gives them problems delegating authority. They
embrace perfectionistic standards and feel contempt for

Virgo (August 23-September 23)
It is mercury that rules this sign. But it is not the subtle
and airy Mercury of gemini. Intelligence is more matter-of-fact:
less gifted but deeper. The Virgo is rightly considered
calculating, prudent and attached to minor details to the point
of fixation. For the Virgo, reason overcomes the heart;
precision seems to be more important than intuition, of which he
is wary. In love, Virgo is not very demonstrative, or at least,
unable to decide, a late marriage will be his lot.
Commonly known as the sign of the nitpicking perfectionist,
Virgos often consider themselves to be discriminators graced with
divine sanction. Seeing flaws like Librans see beautiful faces,
Virgos are often controlled by their visions. In time, their
visions go into what makes up a life.
The single most important challenge in the Virgo experience
is to see things in larger terms. Virgos' visions determine
their career success, quality of experience in relationships,
health, and overall quality of life.
The perfectionism so often associated with this sign, has in
fact far less to do with perfection than with a diminished view
of the whole. It is the sort of perception that focuses in on
the loose thread rather than the color of of the fabric. Virgos
are victimized by a deadly dreariness that is born of duty and
discipline, self-control and routinized regimes.
People born under this sign often have to wake up to the
possibilities of their own life and the power within themselves.
Shortsighted, Virgos settle easily for the minor roles that are
so often assigned to them rather than stretching them beyond and
utilizing the gifts of what could be a superior mind.

Libra (September 23- October 22)
Governed by Venus, the planet of harmony and arts, one word
characterizes Libra: equilibrium, as the sign it symbolizes.
Libra is sociable, refined, and understanding, party to
conciliatory solutions. But be careful, for he is gifted with a
very fine sense of justice, and will engage in battle if he
considers that he has been ridiculed. In sentimental
relationships, Libra is praised for hi sweetness and elegance,
with an occasionally somewhat exaggerated coquetishness.
Aggressiveness must be stimulated, for Libra's distinguished
nonchalance can prevent his social success.
In many respects, Libra is a sign of paradox. Librans
sprout from a series of contradictions: self versus nonself,
mental versus emotional, pleasure versus pathos, generosity
versus greed, control versus chaos. Underneath the smiling face
and stellar charm lies a character with many convolutions,
confusions, frustrations and ambivaleces concerning its identity.
Combine this with very high intelligence and you have people who
think a great deal about how they ought to be, how they should
have been, how they might have been and how they will be if
only...and so on. While this highly complicated process sounds
self-centered, it is in fact the workings of a self that doesn't
feel complete by itself. It always seems that something is
missing, and whether that appears to be another person, a
significant promotion, or a successful project that will prove
one's worth, the day-to-day drama is often a torturous spiral.
The need to affirm one's self is so strong in Libras that it
makes many of them burn with ambition. In the intensity of
striving and accomplishing, one leaves a sense of lacking behind.
Alas the fuel for such ambition is the kind of anxiety that never
lets one calm down. The satisfaction that comes from having
achieved one's goal is soon supplanted by the necessity for a new
creation. And so continues the rise and fall of doing and being.
In between each gap is like a gasp in which a threatening, self-
diminishing voice sneaks through.

Scorpio (October 23- November 21)
Mars, the god of war, and Pluto, the god of the underworld,
share this kingdom. It suffices to say that the child of Scorpio
is not a being of rest. There is in him a depth of violent
aggressiveness and undiscipline, but also of anguish. Scorpios
enemies must contend with his piercing critical sense, which
permits the rapid discovery of the chinks in their armor, for it
is certain that he has flair. There is also scientific curiosity
which penetrates the depths nature's secrets, even if they are
dangerous. Passionate and jealous in love, possessing strong
sexuality; in a word, Scorpio has the best and the worst. By
developing the best, he is able to have exceptional success in
Scorpio might be the most misunderstood sign in the zodiac.
It is a convoluted sign, commonly associated with mystery, sex,
power, and intrigue. In social gatherings where the conversation
has descended to the most superficial astrological chitchat,
Scorpio gets more than its share of abuse.
Much of this has to do with the fact that at any given point
a great deal of the Scorpionic agenda remains hidden. Intensely
private, strongly secretive and rather suspicious, Scorpio does
not reveal itself to anyone, nor does it form close overnight
friendships. For the most part, members of this sign stand aloof
from more obvious social interactions. Scorpios prefer one-to-
one situations to large parties at which people present their
social facades. This is a sign of depth and depth perception.
Scorpios see and feel more than most people, and not infrequently
these feelings are complicated and problematic. Because of this,
at a very early age, they develop a deep need for control, along
with a list of goals and game plans that will take them where
they want to go.
Scorpio is the power behind the throne, and has the
substance of which CEO's are made. Success is what they are
after. They ca be secretive and ruthless to achieve their desired

Sagittarius (November 22-December 20)
Jupiter is the master os this sign. He confers an honest,
generous and loyal nature. Sagittarius has true nobility of
character that works through goodness and moderation. He enjoys
escaping from the banality of day-to-day life, and travelling
attracts him. Furthermore, these travels can be imaginary as
well as real. Sagittarius is a sign of the philosophical mind.
In love, he prefers legality and lasting feelings to brief and
violent passions and adventures.
The essence of sagittarian nature is possibility
personified. Diminishment of any kind depresses the classic
Sagittarian, as does anyone or anything interfering with the
Sagittarian's sense of freedom. Sagittarians always want to feel
free to make choices and to move in any direction that suits
them. Sagittarius is the sign of the adventurer, bound only by
his own beliefs. Sagittarians have expansive minds and are eager
to learn, and experience, always restless and impatient to move
The classic Sagittarian is a democratic individual with
ideals that often define the lifestyle. The Sagittarian soul
desires expansion at all costs and is sensitive to social issues
that affect the functioning of self and fellow man. Sagittarians
want the best possible worlds. They will never stop searching
until they find it. For a great many members of this sign, the
entire experience of life is one endless exploration.
Sagittarians see possibility where other signs perceive
limitations. They also have a genius for seeing splendid things
that the common mind might consider silly.
The Sagittarian nature wants to soar, and after landing, to
remain unimpeded. This can cause some unsettling problems when
encountering the situation called "daily life." Sagittarians
want life to be perfect, and they don't want to waste their
perfect time dinking around with petty, boring details or being
bothered by a moronic boss with no vision.

Capricorn (December 21-January 19)
This region of the winter sky has been attributed by
astrologers to the morose Saturn. Capricorn is serious, often on
the defensive; decisions are taken in a calm atmosphere, and he
is farsighted. He is very ambitious, but is careful not to show
it, preferring to act in the shadows rather than in the broad
daylight. It is not worth the trouble to attempt flattery, for
Capricorn will not be susceptible. He is cold, objective, and
wary by nature. He will not try to please in love, and some
might reproach a lack of spirit; feeling exist, but they are
buried deep inside. Capricorn will never sacrifice his carer to
a passing fling or even to a passion.
A born executive with sky-high goals, Capricorn is the
classic accomplishmentarian. Driven beyond high ambition, this
is a sign that doesn't believe in giving up. Patient, enduring
and steadfast in the face of all obstacles, Capricorn
instinctively understands the value of time. This is a sign that
can outwait all opposition and then confidently move in for the
kill. Invariably, Capricorn gets what it wants because it goes
about it in all the right ways. Hardworking, highly organized,
diligent, down to earth and quietly determined, Capricorns make
great tycoons, business chieftains, politicians, presidents and
The Capricorn mind is intrinsically materialistic. It knows
the value of a dollar in several different countries and the
most recent fluctuation in the price of gold. Capricorns value
their possessions like some people value their children, and they
look at life through a prism of appearance-what you see is what
you get.
Capricorns are born climbers who will make it to the top and
eventually own it. And once securely positioned in place, attest
that there is no other way to go. Like everything else.
Capricorns take their status very seriously and never tire of
their material rewards. The material to Capricorn is worth,
their worth. Having an eye for fine quality, they fully enjoy
the luxury of owning the best. To the Capricorn mind, excellence
is always its own reward.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)
Modern astrologers have assigned this sign to the planet
Uranus. Like it, Aquarius is gifted with a lively intelligence,
and taken dy the new, sometimes by the utopian. Originality and
idealism are two principle character traits. Very disinterested,
Aquarius is enthused by great revolutionary causes, but will not
descend into the arena. The battle of ideas is sufficient, for
the Aquarius always has a depth of reserve, dreaminess, and
sensitivity. He is not very realistic in love, and demonstrates
much independence and fantasy. He is able to please and to be
devoted but does not like to become attached. Aquarius must
beware of solitude.
Authentic airheads, Aquarian minds are airborne and aglow
with ideals that often have to do with utopian empires and
progressive, inventive lifestyle alternatives. In astrology, the
element of air has to do with the cerebral realm and all that
this implies, such as mental creations and concoctions,
communications and intellectual vistas contained by the
frameworks of the mind. Aquarians are often brainy people, full
of brilliance and visionary explosions, seeing so far ahead that
they leave the present behind.
The characteristic Aquarian is far more mental than
emotional. Aquarians, in fact, have feelings about their mental
constructs and intellectual aspirations. Their most beautiful
love experience passes straight through the brain.
The craving for a sense of possibility is a pervasive one in
the Aquarian's scheme of things. It is the motivational force
behind the humanitarian involvements and strongly cherished
dreams and ideals.
The end of the sixties, which sang of the "Age of Aquarius,"
epitomized the spirit of blind ideas put forth as truth, without
deeper understanding of the comprehensive whole, or the
complicated timing of social change. The Aquarian mind, rolling
on a track, does not take detours. Nor, is it intellectually
open to their possibility. This is a sign associated with a
great deal of fanaticism and willful rebellion.
Aquarians are heedless and reckless, throwing caution to the
wind creating situations that are self-destructive. It is this
blind which brings them their share of headaches, heartaches and

Pisces (February 19- March 20)
Naturally it is Neptune, god of the sea that governs this
sign. Everyone agrees that Pisces is emotive and impressionable.
He is praised for intuition, poetic ability, sense of compassion,
and devotion. But Pisces must overcome the indecision of his
character as well as his nonchalance; for activity can suffer
from them, and Pisces can be thrown into a dreamy existence, one
that is more than a little inefficient. Feelings are marked with
a blend of mysticism and sensuality, and the feeling of sacrifice
Pisces is the sign of the psychic, the healer, the intuitive
who is in tune with the synchronicities of the universe. Pisces
nature is emotional, sensitive and subjective. Their imagination
and intelligence are subtly insightful.
The Pisces soul is one of mystery and longing. Deep inside
a slumbering divinity haunts a more conscious experience of life.
There is an unearthly quality to the Pisces sensibility that is
associated with the twelfth house. This is a place of
monasteries and hidden meanings, astral experiences, dreams,
drugs and superconsious states of mind.
Pisces is a sign that deeply reflects its ruler, Neptune,
the planet of fantasy and illusion, romanticism, compassion,
sympathy and the supernatural. Like the vibration of Neptune,
the Pisces mind is changeable and fluid, fanciful and ready to
flow in any direction.
Pisceans are secretive and hold a place inside themselves
that they share with only a soul mate. Because they are so
psychic, subjective and idealistic, this soul experiences often
unsatisfied. Instead, they will merge with and see themselves
mirrored in their life supports and security blankets and the
deeper need for unity will be sublimated by the experience of
sharing. They are constantly searching for their true soul-mate.

There is no real way to know if astrology is reality or
fiction, but it does broaden our horizons to a new way of
thinking. Perhaps time and seasons have caused the similarities
to be there, perhaps it is just a coincidence. You must be the

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