Saturday 5 January 2013

The Scarlet Letter

"The Scarlet Letter" was written by Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1828. "The Scarlet Letter" portrayed the punishment suffered by two individuals who committed adultery in a Puritan society and their struggle to deal with their sins. Throughout the novel Hawthorne uses Pearl to serve as a constant reminder to Hester and Dimmesdale of their sin. Pearl is also used by Hawthorne to force Hester to do what is needed to bring her to salvation. Pearl is first introduced into "The Scarlet Letter" as an infant, when Hester is on the scaffold. Pearl appears again at the age of three and again at the age of seven. Pearl is described by Hawthorne as having "perfect shape," "natural dexterity," "vigor," and "native grace." Hawthorne also refers to Pearl as an "imp," or "elf-child." Hawthorne$BCT(B purpose for Pearl is to serve as a passive reminder of the sin committed by Hester and Dimmesdale.
Pearl$BCT(B roll as a passive reminder of Hester$BCT(B sin aides in the punishment of Hester. The scarlet letter on her mother$BCT(B bosom was one of the first things that Pearl notices about Hester. Even as a child Pearl touched and teased the scarlet letter on Hester$BCT(B bosom. As Pearl grows older her questions and actions greatly increase the amount of torment upon Hester. In chapter fifteen she teases Hester by making the letter A out of seaweed. During the forest walk Pearl observes to Hester "the sunshine does not love is afraid of something on your bosom."
Pearl also serves as a symbol of sin to Reverend Dimmesdale. Pearl consistently wants recognition from Dimmesdale, which is the very thing that Dimmesdale fears most, but ironically must do to save his soul. In the second scaffold scene Pearl asks Dimmesdale, "Wilt thou stand here with mother and me, to-morrow noontide?" When the minister refuses she asks the same question again demanding a specific time. In the forest she again asks Dimmesdale to come back to town with her and Hester hand in hand. These questions that Pearl asks are constantly requesting Dimmesdale to do what he fears most and servers as a constant reminder to Dimmesdale.
Pearl$BCT(B roll as a reminder of Hester$BCT(B sin proved to be a greater punishment than the piece of cloth that lays on Hester$BCT(B breast. Pearl proved to be a reminder of Hester$BCT(B sin during the forest scene. When Hester called for Pearl to come to her and Dimmesdale, Pearl, seeing that the scarlet letter was no longer on her mothers bosom cried out and forced Hester to put the letter back on her breast thus forcing Hester to accept her sin, and preventing Hester from escaping the letter of her punishment.
Pearl$BCT(B main purpose in "The Scarlet Letter" is to serve as a reminder to Hester and Dimmesdale of their sins. Ultimately Pearl was the one who led Hester to salvation. "Had they taken her from me, I would have willingly have gone with thee into the forest, and signed my name in the Black Man$BCT(B book too, and that with my own blood." Pearl does not know that when she asks Dimmesdale to go into town with them hand in hand, it is the very thing that he must do to save his soul. Finally, in the final scaffold scene Dimmesdale does what he must and confesses of his sins. After this, Pearl$BCT(B purpose in the story is completed.

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